What is the PPWR and when does this take effect?

Packaging legislation is largely determined at EU level. As soon as the European Commission, the European Council (member states) and the EU Parliament are in agreement, legislation is drawn up. An EU Directive must be translated into national legislation by member states, and an EU Regulation comes into force immediately and applies to everyone in the European Union.

The PPWR is the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation, or Verordening voor Verpakkingen en Verpakkingsafval in Dutch. This EU legislation will supersede the EU Packaging Directive but has not yet been 100% finalised. In the autumn, the European Council will vote on the agreement in principle currently on the table and, if approved, it is likely to be published at the end of 2024.

Read more about the 9 highlights or the PPWR.

Important to know:

  • The PPWR officially takes effect 20 days after publication;
  • The primary obligations shall, however, only apply 18 months after that, i.e., approximately in the 2nd quarter of 2026.
  • Some issues have a longer lead time or further rules are required and hence measures only enter into effect later.
  • In areas where further rules will apply, Verpact will keep a close eye on their development and communicate on the matter.

The goals of the PPWR are:

1. Strategy for the complete life cycle of packaging
2. Smooth functioning of the internal market in the EU
3. Climate neutrality in 2050

The most recent version of the PPWR can be found here.

How does Verpact help?

Verpact is responsible for implementing the law (collective part) and considers it as its duty to communicate clearly and in a timely manner the adjusted legal individual responsibilities of producers and importers. Therefore, we keep you fully informed of all developments and provide step-by-step support in implementing the new rules.

What can you do already now?

The PPWR is still not definitive and not everything is clear yet but you can still prepare in advance:

  1. Stay up to date: We will use this web page to keep you updated about developments.
  2. Take stock: Identify which information you already have about your packaging and which information your supplier can share with you.
  3. By 2030, ‘poorly’ (less than 70%) recyclable packaging will be prohibited. Specific details are not yet available but you can already do the KIDV recycle check . This enables you to get an insight into how well your packaging can be recycled. You can also start thinking about how you can make your packaging even more sustainable. The Netherlands Institute for Sustainable Packaging (KIDV) will be happy to provide you with advice.
  4. Does your organisation need new packaging machines, are you releasing a new product on the market or are you considering other innovations? Bear in mind upcoming legislation. For example, the PPWR states an obligation to minimise the weight and volume of all packaging. 

Webinar 4th of July
Verpact organized a webinar about the highlights ofthe PPWR. Wacht the recording below, with English subtitles. 

The 9 highlights of the PPWR


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