Single-Use Plastics (SUP) Directive

The European Single-Use Plastics Directive (‘SUP Directive’) came into effect on July 3rd 2021. From January 5th 2023, this SUP Directive also governs producer responsibility for reimbursement of the costs of disposal, transportation and processing of the plastic packaging items in litter that come under this directive.

To provide the necessary clarity, the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management (I&W) has developed an Assessment Framework with decision trees, definitions and examples based on an external advisory report. In a letter from the State Secretary of I&W, an explanation of this Assessment Framework was provided. 

A periodic update of the list based on existing case studies is also published. This 'carousel' will be organised on six times. The results of the first round were published in May 2023. This covered ten issues, using concrete cases as examples.

The second update has also been published, an focuses on topics such as which focuses on topics such as calculating the additional charge, consumption on-site or ‘on the go’, and reusable alternatives. This update is based on the questions received by various helpdesk offices at Rijkswaterstaat (Ministry I&W), Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (the Human Environment and  Transport Inspectorate), KIDV (Netherlands Institute for Sustainable Packaging)  and Afvalfonds Verpakkingen. This document answers the most frequently asked questions in the preciding months and serves to supplement the original Assessment Framework. 

It is intended that several more ‘Carousel rounds’ will be held this year. Anyone wishing to submit a case of question should contact Rijkswaterstaat's Waste Management Helpdesk, quoting ‘Casus Afwegingskader SUP’ (‘Case SUP Assessment Framework’). Do you have any comments relating to the supplement of the Assessment Framework? Please send an email to:

Purpose of the SUP Directive

The purpose of the SUP Directive is to reduce the environmental impact of disposable plastics (such as balloons, meals packaging, beverage packaging, straws and cutlery). The SUP Directive contains a package of measures to reduce the amount of disposable plastics in litter and in the sea (plastic soup). The measures target plastic packaging and products most commonly found on European beaches.

An impactful measure is the obligation for P/I's that bring SUP packaging onto the market, to pay a fee for the costs incurred by public area managers for cleaning SUP packaging found in Dutch litter. The amount of total fee paid to these area managers for all products and packaging covered by the SUP legislation will be determined by the Minister of I&W in June 2024, covering the year 2023. The individual contribution per P/I for SUP packagings will be levied by Afvalfonds Verpakkingen starting in 2023 (see rates).

Concrete reduction measures have been drawn up to discourage the use of drinking cups and some of the rigid food packaging. 

Clarification of terms SUP directive

Afvalfonds Verpakkingen has observed uncertainty surrounding terms used in the SUP legislation and the associated amounts. We are here to provide clarity. 

SUP Increment Afvalfonds Verpakkingen as of January 1, 2023

  • This amount is part of the fee you contribute to Afvalfonds Verpakkingen for your SUP packaging.
  • You pay this amount per SUP disposable unit placed on the market, in addition to the regular contribution. View the SUP increment rates here
  • It applies to all SUP packaging
  • The funds are used as compensation for the cleanup of SUP packaging in litter. 
  • The payment of these costs is a statutory responsibility undertaken by Afvalfonds Verpakkingen on behalf of all producers and importers of SUP packaging. 

SUP Surcharge Ministry as of July 1, 2023

  • This charge applies to consumer sales of disposable drinking cups and rigid food packaging made of plastic, intended for single use outside the point of sale (for takeout, pickup, or delivery). Click here to see which packaging this relates to. 
  • This is an amount per unit sold that the sales location is obligated to charge the consumer. 
  • The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management has recommended target amounts for this subcharge. The amount charged must be visible on the receipt. 
  • The amount charged does not need to be remitted. 

Target amounts for the SUP surcharge from the Ministry

  • € 0.25 for a drink cup
  • € 0.50 for a meal in a rigid packaging
  • € 0.05 for vegetables, fruit or nuts in rigid portion packaging


(1) EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility): a financial contribution to public area managers for disposal of litter caused by SUP products/packaging
(2) reduction measures for drinking cups and dimensionally stable food packaging
(3) awareness-raising measures
(4) labelling requirements on packaging
(5) in a limited number of cases a trading ban
(6) monitoring and reporting obligations.

The measures have been set out in detail in the Decree pertaining to single-use plastic products (which can be found in the Government Gazette). The KIDV website contains a practical decision tree for you to see which measures might apply to your packaging. Via Afvalfonds, you will always be in compliance with the EPR, the awareness-raising measures for packaging and the monitoring and reporting obligations.



Schedule of the SUP directive measures

Consumption reduction Food Packaging*
Drink cups

EU Directive: 4
NL Decree: 8B (15d)
NL Implementing act: 2

Objective: 40% reduction in 2026 compared to 2022
From July 1, 2023: On-the-go & delivery
From January 1, 2024: On-site
Reporting obligation from 2022
Product requirementsBeverage packaging

EU Directive: 6
NL decree 8B (15c)

From July 3, 2024for caps and lids
From 2025 for recycled plastic in PET bottles and
in 2030 for beverage packaging 
Marking requirementsDrink cupsEU Directive: 7
NL Decree: 8B (15e)
From July 3, 2023

Food packaging*
Drink cups
Beverage packaging
Bags and wraps
Light plastic bags

EU Directive: 8
NL Decree: 8B (15f)
NL Implementing act , 3.2, 4.1

From January 5, 2023

Awareness measures

Food packaging*
Drink cups
Beverage packaging
Bags and wraps

EU Directive: 10
NL Decree 8B (15f, lid 2)
NL Implementing Act: 3.3 en 4.1

From January 5, 2023
Reporting by August 1, 2023

Important: There is no declaration threshold for SUP Packaging, unlike other packaging where the threshold is 50,000 kg. Producers and importers placing less than 50,000 kg of SUP packaging on the market, are also subject to the new legislation. 

Administrative impact

The SUP legislation requires a more specific declaration and accordingly administration. Formerly, the category of material (plastic) and quantity of kilos had to be reported. Via the SUP Directive this becomes: category of material (plastic), broken down according to type of SUP packaging (all drinking cups containing plastic, beverage packaging up to 3 litres (excl. tin cans), dimensionally stable food packaging for immediate consumption, flexible food packaging for immediate consumption, lightweight carrier bags), in kilos and quantities.

For some of the SUP packaging (drinking cups and dimensionally stable packaging) the specification must already be submitted for 2022 to ensure a baseline measurement (2022) in order to ascertain the reduction attained in 2026. From 2023, for drinks bottles with PET as principal component producers/importers must also report the percentage of recycled material used.

Whereas for SUP packaging no declaration threshold applies, one of 50,000 kilos applies to other categories of material. Hence, producers and/or importers come under the legislation who release on the market 1 item of SUP packaging. This means that many new P/Is will have to join Afvalfonds in order to be able to file a declaration about their SUP packaging. 

Note! As of January 1, 2023, the definition of the term 'Producer or Importer' for the Packaging Waste Management Fee was changed, read more here

Need more information? Click here



Financial impact

For SUP-packaging, a SUP increment applies. This rate is in addition to the regular material rate. The material rate is calculated based on the kilograms you declare, while the SUP increment is calculated per SUP disposable unit that you place on the market. View the rates here



Useful links

Guidance tool from the Ministry for SUP surcharge
As of July 1, 2023, and January 1, 2024, new regulations apply to the use of plastic-containing disposable containers and cups (single-use plastic). The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management provides a guidance tool aimed at providing clarity on the applicable rules.

The measures that may apply to your packaging depend on the sector in which you operate. The Ministry has created several fact sheets offering assitance and advice for each sector (offices, businesses, and institutions; supermarkets, retail, kiosks; hospitality; events, sport clubs and associations; general). These fact sheets can be found here

EPR non-packaging products 
The Extended Producer Responsibility also applies to certain products outside the responsibility of Afvalfonds Verpakkingen. Namely: balloons, 'wet wipes', tobacco products with filters, and loose filters. Information regarding regulations for these products can be found here


FAQs about the SUP Directive


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